Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Faithful and True?

John H. White, president-emeritus at Geneva College was one of a three-man panel expounding on the Christian college situation in the U.S. in this cutting edge article in World Magazine. There is a great reference to Nancy Pearcey's book, Total Truth, in which the roots of the culture and education problems are discussed.

Pittsburghers, don't forget, Nancy will be speaking at Geneva tomorrow night at 7 p.m. in the John H. White chapel, Old Main. I wouldn't miss it for the world! The Christian worldview and the dualism that has split it need to be hashed out among Christian leaders and followers alike...Ms. Pearcey's message is for every member of the Church and anyone concerned about the cultural/educational breakdown.

Excellent thoughts are also presented in the article from Al Mohler, president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Samuel T. Logan, former president and now chancellor of Westminster Theological Seminary. I hope the outlook is as bright as they make it.

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