Sunday, February 05, 2006



I recently realized that I have never studied the Beatitudes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. If anyone knows of a good book or studyguide, I'd appreciate the tip. It isn't that I have never given them some thought. This is a random translation of those thoughts:

Happy are you who know and embrace your desire for God. Your desire will be filled in heaven.
Happy are you who know and embrace your godly sorrow with God. Your sorrow will be comforted.
Happy are you who know and embrace your need for God. Your need will be filled on earth.
Happy are you who know and accept your want to be good. Your goal will be reached!
Happy are you who long for others to be good. Your love will be great.
Happy are you who know and embrace the innocence of salvation. Your focused eye on God will see Your Maker.
Happy are you who know and embrace your need for others. Your need will be filled in the family of God.
Happy are you who know and embrace the reality of those who won't confess their need for God or you. You are and will be needed in God's Kingdom.

Be comforted when rejection comes. They persecuted the prophets! Prophets--the rock solid foundation of God's revelation to His children.

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