Sunday, May 28, 2006


Beautiful God

Beauty is transcendent. It emits in us a longing for how things should be. When I was at a low ebb in counseling because it “allows” you to go to dark places safely…well, beauty became my obsession. I wanted to capture it, hold to it tightly. Things like the wind, long and sustained—a steady oceanfront type breeze running through my hair. Then there were the sparkles in the sun off the snow crystals or first morning dew. Shopping for the perfect purple, brilliantly balanced between red and blue, took on maybe a little too much importance. And I’ve always had a fascination for the piercing red of a glowing ruby gemstone or rich velvet. Recently, the disciple John’s description of the throne of God, in Revelation, was elaborated on in Zion’s Fire magazine. John used the colors of stones to draw us a picture: jasper, milky white, mixed with sardis, a blood red! I can stare at my favorite things or stand in a strong wind for uncanny durations…to the point where most would worry about my sanity, including me. Thank you, John and Stasi Eldredge, for such a simply stated explanation. When I don’t want to be here especially, “Beauty draws me to God. There is a glory calling me. Beauty haunts me with eternity.” (Captivating) Beauty IS God.

I’m okay. Sigh. I hope you find that you are too.

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