Tuesday, January 09, 2007


God Still Speaks 2

Because Edith Schaeffer, and her husband, Francis, did convince me that faith can be rooted in intellect, emotion, psychological AND spiritual experience, I have hope that many questions are answerable. Because God, in His Word, by His Son, has spoken, and because He still speaks today in His living Word, and through those who feed upon it, I am entering a new phase of blogging. God Still Speaks will be an avenue for questions...Questions that God is pleased to answer. Schaeffer writes, “The Word of God gives ALL we need to know, and then, we need to believe what has been said by God."

When the shepherds headed off to the town under dark sky (perhaps they didn’t recognize the star from their earthbound occupation and by now, the angels’ radiance was gone), they hung onto the words which had been left behind in a memory; they NEEDED to believe what they had heard and seen. The common, every day scene of a baby with its parents took on a different meaning ONLY because they believed the words.

And they went and told the townspeople and they praised God and thanked Him! The people had choices to make: To believe or not to believe these facts. What Mary “kept and pondered in her heart” was going forth already. Simeon, an aged man in Jerusalem, had been pondering His own promise that he would not die before he saw the Messiah. When he saw the baby Jesus in the Temple, Simeon had his eyes and heart opened by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed that now he could die in peace “for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of ALL people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people, Israel.”
Let us pray for the Holy Spirit’s revelation as we ponder questions and receive answers, in His Holy Name. Email your questions or answers to God Still Speaks 3 at yahoo dot com.

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